All snippets tagged with android

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Custom TestRunner

Using the clipboard

Camera2 implementation in an extendable Fragment

If you’re going to add a custom camera to your app, use these snippets to do it right. This recipe uses the Camera2 APIs, and hides all the weird code required for setting up a viewfinder and taking pictures.

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Barcode scanner using Google Vision

Absent live data

Vibration and haptic feedback

Showing notifications

Get the SHA of a keystore

Gets the MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 of a keystore. You’ll need this for many signin solutions, such as Google SignIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

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Okhttp 401 handler

Handle session expirations and 401 error codes. The following code will be activated if the API responds with a 401 (no authentication). If there’s a token that should be renewed, we first renew the token and if this is successful we try the original request again.

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Using local JSON files as an API placeholder with Retrofit

With this snippet you can easily and quickly mock an API during developmentby placing JSON files in your res/raw/ folder. This comes in handy when the actual API does not exist yet.

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A very complete recipe that implements a RecyclerView that pulls in paginated data, using Retrofit, LiveData. It includes example models, adapter, viewholders, and a viewholder for displaying the network state in case of an error.

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Centralized error handling

Pair emulator Android Wear with real phone

Install app as a system app on the emulator