A UILabel
that acts as a progress bar, check the Pixplicity Authenticator app to see an example (Android here, iOS currently not yet). Simply add a UILabel
to your view through the Xcode interface builder and subclass it to LoaderUILabel
. Or programmatically add it to your view.
Connect it to your viewcontroller and simply start setting its progress to get it to start loading:
mLoaderLabel.applyLoaderProgress(to: 60.0)
The following piece of code: UIColor.primaryColor
is from another cookbook snippet
import Foundation
import UIKit
class LoaderUILabel: UILabel {
var maskLabel: UILabel?
var mPercentage: CGFloat = 0.0
final var COLOR_CHANGE_THRESHOLD: CGFloat = 0.25
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
private func applyAttributes() {
maskLabel?.attributedText = self.attributedText
maskLabel?.lineBreakMode = .byClipping
maskLabel?.textColor = mPercentage > COLOR_CHANGE_THRESHOLD ? UIColor.tokenTextColor : UIColor.tokenUrgentColor
func applyLoaderProgress(to percentage: CGFloat) {
mPercentage = percentage
if(maskLabel == nil) {
maskLabel = UILabel(frame: self.frame)
maskLabel?.frame.size.width = self.intrinsicContentSize.width * percentage
maskLabel?.textColor = percentage > COLOR_CHANGE_THRESHOLD ? UIColor.tokenTextColor : UIColor.tokenUrgentColor
maskLabel?.text = self.text
//Used to remove and re-add the view and as such get its constraints corrected if the main view shifted positions
func shiftMask(){
maskLabel = nil
override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {
super.drawText(in: rect)
This is best used in a situation where no constraints need to be applied to the main label. In a situation where the label has constraints applied to it, these need to be applied to the masklabel as well. These can be retrieved and applied in the following manner:
func applyConstraints() {
self.constraints.forEach { constraint in
let maskConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: maskLabel!, attribute: constraint.firstAttribute, relatedBy: constraint.relation, toItem: constraint.secondItem, attribute: constraint.secondAttribute, multiplier: constraint.multiplier, constant: constraint.constant)
Apply this after the initialization and adding of the mask subview.