Monitoring authentication status

The logic to continuously monitor the user’s auth status. This snippet is using Firebase for user authentication and the bloc package.


Add the following packages in the pubspec.yaml first.

  1. cloud_firestore: ^version
  2. firebase_auth: ^version
  3. flutter_bloc: ^version
  4. equatable: ^version

and run the pub get command from the terminal.


class AuthenticationRepository {
  /// {@macro authentication_repository}
  AuthenticationRepository({firebase_auth.FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth})
      : _firebaseAuth = firebaseAuth ?? firebase_auth.FirebaseAuth.instance;

  final firebase_auth.FirebaseAuth _firebaseAuth;

  /// Stream of [FirebaseUser] which will emit the current user when
  /// the authentication state changes.
  /// Emits [FirebaseUser.empty] if the user is not authenticated.
  Stream<User> get user {
    return _firebaseAuth.authStateChanges().map((firebaseUser) {
      return firebaseUser == null ? User.empty : firebaseUser.toUser;



class AuthenticationBloc
    extends Bloc<AuthenticationEvent, AuthenticationState> {
      : _authenticationRepository = AuthenticationRepository(),
        super(const AuthenticationState.unknown()) {
    _userSubscription = _authenticationRepository.user.listen(
      (user) => add(AuthenticationUserChanged(user)),

  final AuthenticationRepository _authenticationRepository;
  StreamSubscription<User> _userSubscription;

  Stream<AuthenticationState> mapEventToState(
    AuthenticationEvent event,
  ) async* {
    if (event is AuthenticationUserChanged) {
      yield _mapAuthenticationUserChangedToState(event);
    } else if (event is AuthenticationLogoutRequested) {

  Future<void> close() {
    return super.close();

  AuthenticationState _mapAuthenticationUserChangedToState(
    AuthenticationUserChanged event,
  ) {
    return event.user != User.empty
        ? AuthenticationState.authenticated(event.user)
        : const AuthenticationState.unauthenticated();


abstract class AuthenticationEvent extends Equatable {
  const AuthenticationEvent();

  List<Object> get props => [];

class AuthenticationUserChanged extends AuthenticationEvent {
  const AuthenticationUserChanged(this.user);

  final User user;

  List<Object> get props => [user];

class AuthenticationLogoutRequested extends AuthenticationEvent {}


enum AuthenticationStatus { authenticated, unauthenticated, unknown }

class AuthenticationState extends Equatable {
  const AuthenticationState._({
    this.status = AuthenticationStatus.unknown,
    this.user = User.empty, /// Empty user which represents an unauthenticated user.

  const AuthenticationState.unknown() : this._();

  const AuthenticationState.authenticated(User user)
      : this._(status: AuthenticationStatus.authenticated, user: user);

  const AuthenticationState.unauthenticated()
      : this._(status: AuthenticationStatus.unauthenticated);

  final AuthenticationStatus status;
  final User user;

  List<Object> get props => [status, user];

Authentication repository and bloc initialization

Future<void> main() async {
  await init();

void init() async { = await;
  await Firebase.initializeApp();

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return RepositoryProvider.value(
      // The Repository is the parent class.
        value: Repository(
            MockRepository(), RemoteRepository(), AuthenticationRepository()),
        child: _buildMainChild(context));

  _buildMainChild(BuildContext context) {
    return MultiBlocProvider(
      providers: [
            create: (context) => AuthenticationBloc()),
        BlocProvider<LoginBloc>(create: (context) => LoginBloc())
      child: MaterialApp(home: _buildRoot),

  _buildRoot() {
    return BlocBuilder<AuthenticationBloc, AuthenticationState>(
      cubit: BlocProvider.of<AuthenticationBloc>(context),
      builder: (context, state) { ... ... };

/// in each place we need to listen for that change (or as a direct child of the builder child)
/// we provide at the main widget, we listen at the rest.
class ProfileScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MultiBlocListener(
        listeners: [
          BlocListener<AuthenticationBloc, AuthenticationState>(
            listener: (context, state) {},
        child: child: ProfilePage();