Lock your app with a biometric lock after X minutes of inactivity

If your app contains privacy sensitive data, such as a banking app, a password manager, an app for ‘buying surprise gifts for your loved one’ or an app for looking up the spelling of words like ‘colleague’ - then you might want to add extra protection.

The snippets below can lock your app using a biometric lock or a passcode, provided that either of those are set up in the user’s system settings.

It tracks when the user exits the app, and allows access without a prompt if the user last exited within a short amount of time.


First, define the following callback interfaces:

interface LockEventListener {
    fun onAppUnlocked()
    fun onAppUnlockFailed()
interface LockProvider {
    fun shouldShowScreenUnlock() : Boolean
    fun maybeShowScreenUnlock(activity:Activity, listener: LockEventListener, requestCode: Int)
    fun onAuthorizationEvent(resultCode: Int): Boolean

Observe the lifecycle

To track when the user leaves the app, include our LockUtil (code below) in your Application class, like so:

class MyApp : Application(), LockProvider {

	val prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(pref_name, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

	private val userVerificationListener: LockUtil by lazy {

    override fun onCreate() {
        // Set up lifecycle listener


    // Call this when you 
	override fun shouldShowScreenUnlock() = userVerificationListener.shouldShowLock()

    override fun maybeShowScreenUnlock(activity: Activity, listener: LockEventListener, requestCode: Int) =
        userVerificationListener.authorize(activity, listener, requestCode, R.string.lock_message)

    override fun onAuthorizationEvent(resultCode: Int): Boolean =

Call the LockUtil

In you MainActivity, or whichever screen you’de like to protect, call the LockProvider from the onResume:

override fun onResume() {
    // Don't show the lock screen when the user didn't even log in
    val isLoggedIn = preferences.accessToken != null
    if ((application as LockProvider).shouldShowScreenUnlock() && isLoggedIn) {

Create LockUtils

In the Application class we instantiated a LockUtil using a Factory. Here is the LockUtilFactory:

object LockUtilFactory {

    fun create(prefs: SharedPrefs): LockUtil =
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
        } else {

Depending on the version of the OS, it creates a compatible LockUtil. Both of these are child classes of this abstract parent:

 * Helps with the screen unlock feature (pattern/pin/fingerprint/etc).
 * Call [autorize] to initiate the unlock. Will skip
 * and return true when already authorized, or when not set up
 * or not supported.
abstract class LockUtil internal constructor(protected val prefs: SharedPreferences) : LifecycleObserver {

    companion object {

        private const val TAG = "LockUtil"

         * Re-lock after 3 minutes
         * (or 10 seconds in debug builds)
        private val TEMP_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS: Long
            get() = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)

         * The lock screen is not supported at all below Lollipop.
        fun isSupported(): Boolean =
            android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP


     * Keeps track of the last time the user was verified
    private var lastExitMillis: Long
    	// FIXME In your own peferences implementation, don't use hardcoded keys
        get() = prefs.getLong("LAST_APP_EXIT", 0L)
        set(value) {
            prefs.edit().putLong("LAST_APP_EXIT", value).apply()

     * Should be true while the user is verified and still
     * using the app. We can't rely on the lastExitMillis alone,
     * because it would expire while the app is still open.
    internal var isTempAuthorized: Boolean = false

     * Resets the authorization. Call this e.g. when the main screen
     * is exited by the user.
    fun unauthorize() {
        lastExitMillis = 0
        isTempAuthorized = false

     * Checks if the user is still authorized, so we don't ask again too often
    private fun isTempAuthorized(): Boolean {
        val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
        val hasExpired = (now - lastExitMillis) > TEMP_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS
        return isTempAuthorized
                || !prefs.isLockEnabled
                || !hasExpired

    fun shouldShowLock(): Boolean {
        val isSupported = isSupported()
        val isTempAuthorized = isTempAuthorized()
        return isSupported
                && !isTempAuthorized
                && prefs.isLockEnabled

    fun onAppMovedToForeground() {
        Log.v("LockUtil", "App is back to foreground, last seen $lastExitMillis")
        if (isTempAuthorized()) {
            isTempAuthorized = true

    fun onAppMovedToBackground() {
        lastExitMillis = if (isTempAuthorized) System.currentTimeMillis() else 0
        isTempAuthorized = false
        Log.v("LockUtil", "App moved to background, timestamp $lastExitMillis")

    fun onAuthorizationEvent(resultCode: Int): Boolean {
        isTempAuthorized = (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK)
        return isTempAuthorized

     * Starts the verification flow if needed.
    abstract fun authorize(
        activity: Activity,
        listener: LockEventListener,
        requestCode: Int,
        @StringRes message: Int

Compatibility - Pie and up

Android Pie and up support the biometric locks, such as face recognition or fingerprint. So, on Pie and up, we can use the LockUtilPie:

class LockUtilPie internal constructor(prefs: SharedPreferences) : LockUtil(prefs) {

     * Starts the verification flow if needed.
    override fun authorize(
        activity: Activity,
        listener: LockEventListener,
        requestCode: Int,
        @StringRes message: Int
    ) {
        val km = activity.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE) as KeyguardManager?
        val keyguardIntent = km?.createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(

        val builder = BiometricPrompt.Builder(activity)
        	// optional: .setDescription("Touch Sensor")

        // Fallback to pin/pattern by default
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
        } else if (keyguardIntent != null) {
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener { _, _ ->
                    keyguardIntent.let {
                        activity.startActivityForResult(it, requestCode)
        } else {
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener { _, _ ->


    private fun getCancellationSignal(listener: LockEventListener) = CancellationSignal().apply {
        setOnCancelListener {

    private fun getAuthenticationCallback(listener: LockEventListener): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback {
        return object : BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback() {
            override fun onAuthenticationError(errorCode: Int, errString: CharSequence?) {
                super.onAuthenticationError(errorCode, errString)

                // If there is no lock possible, because there is none set,
                // then remember that (turn the toggle off)
                // and exit gracefully
                if (errorCode == BiometricPrompt.BIOMETRIC_ERROR_NO_BIOMETRICS
                || errorCode == BiometricPrompt.BIOMETRIC_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL) {
                    prefs.isLockEnabled = false
                } else {

            override fun onAuthenticationSucceeded(result: BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult?) {
                isTempAuthorized = true

Compatibility - Oreo and below

Before Pie, biometrics were not available, so the LockUtilCompat looks a lot simpler:

class LockUtilCompat internal constructor(prefs: SharedPrefs) : LockUtil(prefs) {

     * Starts the verification flow if needed.
    override fun authorize(
        activity: Activity,
        listener: LockEventListener,
        requestCode: Int,
        @StringRes message: Int
    ) {
        val km = activity.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE) as KeyguardManager?
        val keyguardIntent = km?.createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(
        keyguardIntent?.let { activity.startActivityForResult(it, requestCode) }


And finally, the LockActivity that pops up when needed and opens the right unlock method:

 * Faceless Activity that launches the applicable screen lock
class LockActivity : AppCompatActivity(),
    LockEventListener {

    private lateinit var delayedHandler: Handler

    companion object {

        const val LOCK_REQUEST_CODE: Int = 123

        fun createLaunchIntent(context: Context): Intent =
            Intent(context, LockActivity::class.java)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        delayedHandler = Handler()
        (application as LockProvider).apply {

            // Delaying the lock slightly because if might be a
            // fix for a NullPointerException reported in BiometricPrompt.
            // Workaround implemented for a bug in the androidx library,
            // that was supposedly fixed in lib update 1.0.1.
            // More info:
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58089766/biometric-prompt-crashing-on-android-9-and-10-on-some-devices
            // https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/141838014
                if (shouldShowScreenUnlock()) {
                    maybeShowScreenUnlock(this@LockActivity, this@LockActivity, LOCK_REQUEST_CODE)
                } else {
            }, 20)

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)

        // This is executed when LockUtil is used on Oreo or below
        if (requestCode == LOCK_REQUEST_CODE) {
            val ok = (application as LockProvider).onAuthorizationEvent(resultCode)
            if (ok) {
            } else {

    override fun onAppUnlocked() {
        // Finish this empty Activity and let the app continue.

    override fun onAppUnlockFailed() {
        // Finish this empty activity and take everything with us

    private fun closeApp() {
        // Close the entire stack
        // Show a message to the user.
        // Though a Snackbar is usually better than a Toast,
        // a Toast can linger while the activity is closed,
        // which is excellent in this case.
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.warning_app_locked, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()




    implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.2.0'
    implementation 'androidx.biometric:biometric:1.1.0-alpha02'

Some strings used in this recipe:

    <string name="lock_message">Please verify your identity</string>
    <string name="lock_title">Log in to %s</string>
    <string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
    <string name="title_identify">Unlock app</string>
    <string name="warning_app_locked">Bye</string>